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Sunday, March 29, 2015

How To Make a Full Time Income Internet Marketing and Network Marketing

How To Make a Full Time Income Internet Marketing and Network Marketing

Over the course that a my career and specifically the last five years

I with network marketing pro I have

interviewed and talked with the top earners in network marketing

maybe arm a hundred

different that people with that

have burned over a million dollars a year network marketing maybe a hundred

thousands of people that are six-figure your earners

so I it's been a fascinating discovery to

to learn some things and search for some things in I'm gonna share one of the

biggest insights with you today

but that's just a little introduction as far as who I am

my passion is to let people know that we have a better way in network marketing

to let people know the network marketing isn't perfect it's just better

it's better than other ways to be able to create

in common and create a career in this world

it's a profession such as this thing out there and I want to raise the bar

professionalism inside network marketing

in specifically today my mission

is to empower each view that are watching this

web a NAR to go out there

in creating a burst a amazing energy and activity

bring in a whole new group for people in a short period of time

and use that as a platform to launch

a next evolution of your career maybe you're just getting started

maybe been around for a while maybe you stagnated maybe drop down

maybe a high-level earner I promise you no matter who you are

this concept they're going to talk about today is going to take you to the

to another level right so with that let me tell you what you're going to learn

ok first of all I would just

tell you if you don't have something to write with

get something to write with So You Think in

and makes you got paper band to be able to take good notes because

is one thing for you to learn this but this webinars gonna be up for  hours

minutes gone

it's another thing for you to be able to take notes

and then transfer this information to the people in your organization

people that you know if you learn how to do that then you're good

okay if you just take it for yourself into little

I don't know selfish take notes as if your gonna go teach this concept to the

people in your organization tomorrow

okay take those kinda notes now let me tell you what you can learn

we talk about recruiting  people

in  days up first

well not this early in in any particular order you're gonna learn why

this is important

why it's important to be able to recruit  people in a short period time

I picked thirty days but recruit a bunch of people on s kinda magic number will

talk about that

in  days number two you're gonna learn what

what it's going to be worth

if you do it what what

you can expect to get

in exchange for making this happen have this huge burst of energy

and third you can learn how

you learn how specifically step-by-step

how to go recruit when people thirty days does it up why

it works why it's important what it's going to mean for you

and how to go do it burn up alright so

let some let's talk about

a major discovery

they're really occurred to me over the course the last five years

it I'm studying the network market profession as I told you I've been

successful network marketing profession

but in the last five years

be I've been able to kind of focus on

the attributes are the million-dollar earners it started when I started

interviewing people who made

a million dollars or more in our parking in

the I've done I don't know how many million dollar-a-year

interviews a network marking products thousand videos is Sun

- that done there plus I talked to interview people

off-camera and I started to see a trend

and the trend was

almost although all of them every single one of them

when I when I dog back and I started to dig

into their story I started to go back to

how it was all created I found that the majority of their

success and income

in growth came from a burst

up intense activity in a short period time

something that I call now the -day game plan

and I done I I have a in a bet that I do

over the course last couple years called insanity boot camp the magic at the

-day game plan

how nine days can change your life because his run

what I saw when I interview these people as as okay

let's do it was ever a time in your career when you

were some when you really went after it like crazy brought in a bunch a people

in a short period and yes there was

is okay well how much of your success today can you point back to that little

burst of energy

and the answers were like seventy percent eighty percent ninety percent

want ninety percent up their huge

income was pointed back to this little big bang that happened

it within a -day period styles like Wow

so I started just once I kinda keyed in on that

and I got an answer from one person I started to go to everybody

and I said well tell me yours you know story how did that happen with you

and the repeated the same thing and I started to hear about this ninety-day

game plan and a game plan has burst

energy massive crazy outrageous unreasonable

work hard work in a short period of time

and then they can it go on cruise control and explain how that works

talk about that when I could be able to do a two-day insanity boot camp over the

course of this webinar but I will just tell you

um it was fascinating to number one

find that that was a comedy nominee with all the top earners

number to New is

you I I i kinda found that the six-figure your nurse did one of those

ninety digging plans one time

they brought in a big group of people in there really went after they did at one


the seven-figure years to multiple times the difference between six billion


went well okay then I look back at my story

and said okay Chi point my success back to

a -day game plan to a burst of energy to recruiting a buncha people to

separate I'm

and I thought that all my success probably other $ million that I earned

probably at least thirteen million other

I could point back to to or three

different ninety-day burst of energy in  years

K two or three so would you work hard for two or three

ninety-day bursts of energy in our tubular earned

fifty million dollars a thirty million dollars I think the answer is yes

everybody would agree with that

so one I studied that

you know I found this the secret to I saw that it was a common denominator


everyone and if you wanna test this go ask your upline find out up

they did something like this and you you'll find that that's the truth

and then three I studied my result I look back at my results and I found that

oh my gosh I think I found something

that nobody's talking about inside network marking thats and I need a game


while and then insider the -day game plan there was a magic number

and um

the the magic number was twenty inside the -day game plan

I found that at the beginning of the -day game plan each person

recruited about  people or so

some a little bit more some a tiny bit last but not a lot last maybe

  and they did it in a short period time and that was the magical

kicking off their -day game plan

so that was fascinating to me

it was fascinating to me to see that the twenty number

is what repeated over and over and over again summit teach you the  part

today began to do the whole  day game but I can't do the hotel booking Obama

teach the twenty park today

how to go get % in  days and have that important element

on a talk about why twenty support in a few minutes

but the important element are making that happen

but before I do that let me talk about some other myths

summer the myths the network marketing I myth number one

slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race if you just a

consistent if you just

hang in there if you just do a little bit

every single month little tiny bit every single month

if you do that then success is bound to

happen for you that's not true

it's a myth as does network marking other cruise maybe that's true

but in network marketing guess what slow and steady

sconce targeted a slow and steady

you know if your gonna cross the road in there's heavy traffic

is slow and steady the best way to get across the road

no you gotta get across the road slow and steady going to run over

right so slow in study is not going to win the race

slow and steady is gonna starve to death inside network marketing

and me kinda give you a couple apps

examples up youth in imparted this is part of what society has taught us you

know the

the tortoise and the hare you've heard the story the tortoise and the hare

who wins the race does the rabbit win the race or does the turner win the race

well the rabbit took off like crazy and then

got distracted disappeared and the total they just did a little tiny bit

every single time in the tournament up getting

success right when network marketing guess what you gotta be

you gotta be the rabbit first to get things off the ground

and then the turtle and then the rabbit and then the turtle

a give another example example like I'll I like to use all the time

what's a this

is the runway at the airport okay this is the runway at the airport

in on this runway you got an airplane like my

fancy art but on this airplane

you're sitting on the runway now let's say you're a good person and you

you just you know your part time pilot so

because you got other stuff going on you decide on the runway that you're gonna

give it

 percent effort so you gonna put the trial under  percent

now you get if you're have any

experience in being a pilot are you get off the ground if you go to  percent

brawl know are you gonna get movement you move down the runway yes

but you're not gonna get off the ground what if you had to do  percent

okay fine I'll to double the points I'll do  percent you got the ground

no about sixty percent to  percent

no what do you have to do even if you're a part time pilot what you have to do to


off the ground gotta give  percent that stuff for ever

but you gotta give a hundred percent to get to an altitude

now what's your at that altitude than you could pull back

you can keep it in our percent for forever then you could pull back

you put it on cruise control you can relax a little bit

but to take off requires focus commitment her percent energy gotta do

to get off the ground this is true in

any career any business to get off the ground you gotta go crazy gotta give it

our present gotta go nuts

now get off the ground whether you're a part time person network marking a full

time person the network marketing

you could say well I don't want to recruit  people in  days I want to

recruit one person a month

have you heard that Miss die for you if you just recruit one person a month and

you teach everybody in your group to just recruit one person what you gonna

, people

at the end of your first year well that sounds really cool it looks really nice

on a piece of paper

but I've never seen anybody do in  years you know why

because you can't get any altitude you can't get off the ground due in 


you move down the runway but if you don't get off the ground

a bench near gonna and a run out runway

you got trees at the end you gonna hit the trees that your gonna hit the


into the runways in your for you so

slow instead he's not going to get you off the ground a burst of energy

a hundred percent that's why twenty recruiting twenties a portent

recruit  to get off the ground the trial back work with those people train

a more than whatever

okay so slow in studies not gonna win the race you got to get

an altitude you gotta give it

all you got for a short period time I

sucking is here's a second myth

just don't quit if you don't quit your gonna make all kinds of money network


not true it's not true

you know many people are sinners started out there still there they're still in

they haven't quit they still go to the meetings they still use the products

they still go to the conventions but they haven't quit

not quitting of course that's important because if you're not in the game you

can't went

but just not cleaning is not enough

you gotta learn you gotta grown at some point you gotta get to that day that

says enough is enough I'm not live like this anymore

I have a higher purpose I I have a gift to be able to help people

and I'm I would go beyond just not quitting and I'm gonna give this

 percent that's what it takes. learning

skills growing practice in a burst of energy

if you give a burst of energy in you decide that you're its your

if you to say associating one's race I'm just not gonna quit

you know how many millions of people network marketing are holding onto these

two things

and hoping that something changes millions

a people I don't want you to be one of them because these two myths

just these two when people hold on to these they think that they're they're

bound for success

and really what they're bound for is the end of the runway

they better hope they have a big runway goes for a long time

no maybe it's five years before they hit the wall and say you know what enough is

enough I guess I'm just not cut out for this

that true though okay so understanding those two things


I wanna ask you a question I want you to write down the answers to this would you

be thinking about right on the answer to this

what would it be worth to you

in your company and your business and I guess is

lot different companies they're watching this right now what would it be worth to


if you can recruit twenty new people new distributors into your company

in the next or in a thirty day period time work talk about timing later

but any -day period time what would be worth to you I'm asking some questions I

like you write down the answers

one upfront commissions

when those people get involved in the by that initial product pack or whatever to

it is what upfront commissions are you going to turn

for bringing in  people twenty times whatever it is

because that amount K to write down that amount to

any other bonuses

from doing that

so that initial activity maybe there's a some fast start

bonus type things maybe if you do if you bring in $ get an extra something you

bring in

 you get an extra something there's some kinda up other bonuses

um how much will you are on

over the next  months would you estimate

as a result of those twenty people getting involved in your business

approximately the next  months to come up with a number

they can be a guess but based upon what you know about your company what you

know about your problems what you know about your opportunity

all that number be number four well with the lifetime

earnings be for bringing in  people in a separate I'm

what do you think approximately guesstimate and that you can't

you don't know that for sure but given a guess I'm

next will you rank advanced as a result

or is it likely that you'll make advance as a result of doing this

and what will that be worth what would that be worth to you

think about that number number six

you an example to your team

bite by showing this example to your existing group

what do you think do you think that they might do a little bit more than they're

doing right now do you think they might go out bring some people in

what do you think that example would be worth over a long period

long period time I am a number  I will tell you like cum


for prestige would be

valuable for you to build your brand Burberry be valuable to you to be known

as a

more of a player in your network marketing company have a little prestige

with your group look up to you a little bit different

with that provide some value to you and what would that be

and then come up with the toll total

what is it going to be worth

in upfront commissions other bonuses  months

lifetime rake advancement the example you provide your team

and your reputation prestige at all that up wanna be worth

see recruiting twenties not just about this

their pride commission that's about all of it their stand

and and if you are honest with these numbers

you're gonna go my gosh I can't afford not to do this can't afford not to

this is too valuable a process

um so ok you have this by now

so many races me give you a few more seconds that

along we've been going guys 

right yet woulda

I'm a keep going

I'm gonna give you the magic number here's what I'll tell you at at the top

success love speed just loves it

something about speed that is attractive

to being successful in like the successful network marketing

in here's I told you about the twenty number

the twenty number if you can bring in about  in most top honors have done


ask your top honors in your company they're going to yells the with a pointy

back to a time when they did

a number around this within a short period time

Leo couple weeks a month maybe two months whatever I picked thirty days

because that's when most people do it

but they decide to go do this I  recruits

I love those twenty years the numbers and this these numbers hold up

I've I've polled in your view more people than you can imagine

on this topic and I'm not guessing when I say this on average


all those twenty will do something

though by the product urging me not only by the Prime though though

get a customer they might sign up a disturbing though do something it looks

like you got  leaders

right away in that first  days but welcome would do something what it what

happens the other eight we don't know

they just disappear to go in the witness protection program they

the dusty use the product for a little while they the

someone quit say this was a bad idea I'll whatever

we don't know and you you don't know which are the twenty gonna be the 

just tell

this surprise you every single time sort well we're gonna do something

in almost  about eat

within  days

 up the twenty are going to look like their leaders

their building their growing they're actively engaged in the process

you look like oh my gosh I got a good people a good peoples gonna help me max

out this composition

awesome K but here's how it continues to

boil down within about  months

you're going to have about four

up your tourney that are solid Builders

and a generating ninety percent of your income ninety percent of your income is

going to come from these four

okay and I will tell you typically

one of those four will be due in

more than half up the toll volume

in your whole group one of the four you just don't know who they're going to be

so you got about four and if you go out to five years

that force gonna turn into major leaders

two major leaders are gonna be generating ninety percent your income


 urges you to be bringing in  the short period time

was gonna turn into  the do something  you're gonna have good looks like you

got good leaders in ninety days

within a year  what happened because over  be on the day

they become much less significant your income

there may be significant friends but not necessarily significant contributors to

the growth in your organization

for in a year one of those pores gonna be over half

a follow the total the other the above the four

and within five years it's gonna bold and around two

now when I talk about a six-figure network marketing typically a six-figure

has done this at some point

it might not be the very beginning when they first got a ball but at some point

the picking out a convention they got fired up the company went through some

metamorphosis serb some new product or some new companies where something

and its I did go get serious there on 

which turned into   for to and from those poor into

they had a nice six-figure income and most to the six-figure earners

did this one time and then they just kinda going cruise control

make it six figures and they spend all their time instead of doing this again

which one occurred all you do today set

a goal to do this again so doing it again they're trying to get more

activity out of the people that they have here

which doesn't really pay very well

K now here's the secret love this

if let's stay instead of doing these

 recruits in  days

you did  recruits in

 months K one month you brought in  over here

thank $ a month here's typically

what you can expect about eat

up those twenty will do something though sign up a customer though

same thing is this about  within about  days

it's going to be for about four

within a year is gonna be

maybe one it's actually very rare

the jab wants a significant part of your income

and then here this doesn't exist really minutes

it's all rare you can't even count

so understand what these twenty people with the same exact people

with these numbers hold true I will tell you it's true if you bring in the same

twenty people you brought over here

you brought in in  days you can expect these results

if you brought a minute twenty months you can expect these results

which results you want which is nicer for the people

which is easier to do would rather just log away for  months

to get this result or would you rather give it  days a

intense massive crazy unreasonable effort and get this result

easy decision easy once you understand it

see success love speed here's what happens when you do speed this

energy happens these people come in the class of 

they grow together they learn together they get to know each other the build


over here every single one of these twenty people feel like an orphan

they come in one one a month they feel like they're all on there by themselves

they just don't feel like they're connected to any kind of a campaign no


if you've been doing this game plan you been a experiencing these types results

today I'm going to challenge you do this when I give you exactly how to do it


alright be can get fired up

cited I'm excited

zone in any light over there keep an open see the soap in a gallery or no

say I those guys

the fifth

alright tool um

from now let's talk about how to do

how to if I hope I've been able to persuade you make the case

that bring in twenty to thirty day period time is better than any other

effort success love speed so it still doesn't win the race

just not quitting isn't enough you gotta get a burst of energy get that airplane

off the ground K

so wanna give you some did some comments as we start

talking about how you can go out there and do it one

I would ask you what's your story

why are you doing this why

is this important to you at this part in your career the reason why I ask you

to think about your story is your gonna tell the story everybody is talking to

here's why I'm doing this I've been involved in network marketing for two

years entire to call in a min ago heart

I'm gonna go big or I'm going bigger I'm going home  one way or the other

i'm looking for some people wanna run with me or you can say

IDIQ I found a new opportunity a brand new in your company

same as in I'm gonna go break all records you wanna come with me why are

you doing this

I want to help other people I want help why people see I want to create freedom

I want

help all my friends become debt-free I want people to be able to make more

money have more choices

whatever it is what's your story why are you doing this

why are you doing this I wanna be free I wanna help other people be free

think about that meant to you don't have to do this right now

but I want you to pick your -day window when you wanna do this

but today it's February th

you want to do this in the month of March prepare in February

and do it in the month of March that might be a good time

maybe that's not a good time for you maybe needs to be another time

%uh know when it is but I want you to pick its okay when in

and just put a stake in the senate Sam wanna do it I'm doing it

I'm gonna go you know that we're marking pro got started

in February  I met with consultant were talking about

you know how what you could do online as far as providing value to communities

in February I decided I was going to do it in March was going to march 

because that was my birthday

so I had no idea how is gonna do it

i'd had no skills no technical abilities no nothing

but i just decided was going to happen in from that decision

he created the deadline I told the world I was gonna do it that put more pressure

on me

and then I made it happen didn't have any the school but I attracted the right


and I picked thirty did you know I picked when I was gonna start

and I started and you know sixty million video views they turn all this stuff

including me talking to you

came from that decision right so

pick in  days is that the month of March is it March  th April th is


you know do you want to do it in June because you got something else going on

in your life

I don't know what it is but sometime in 


forty sorry in  sometime

in  decide which one to do it this I was  days you're gonna do it

put a stake in the sand nobody's judging you don't start tomorrow

if you decide when you gonna do it that's your decision that you looked

like the Joker the journey chapter

but pick a thirty day thing create a deadline tell the world you gonna do it

put some pressure on yourself some positive peer pressure on yourself got


okay um be now there's some preparation

that needs to happen prior to your -day

recruit  campaign some preparation so let's talk about that

you are not bound out in my career and Training Network markings people don't

mind working hard

they don't mind the hard truth they don't mind put your head down work in

her there

the never happen they liked it is  that's worth it that

you know there's going to be a result at the end okay

okay some things that you need to do to prepare for your -day launch

being ready to work hard ready to go make this thing happen

I am because during this thirty days if you can recruit twenty people guess what

is probably going to be the hardest

 days of your life you're gonna work harder in those thirty days

then maybe you ever have in your life I mean it's

hard work but to prepare for that

launch time here's what you need to think about

up what is your level of commitment

to following through on this activity what is your love come in

are you gonna do this are not you gonna make this happen

are you gonna flake out you get three days in the year

you know -day recruit  campaign and then

give up you'll be distracted

re just gonna be totally focused in in unreasonable

in locked in on your target

polygamy good side so your commitment is super important


clear your calendar

during that thirty days your recruiting  people on and just run

nothing else you might have to go to your job but everything else

is cleared not doing anything yet to determine

are you willing to sacrifice in order to get freedom

are you willing to sacrifice for  days not thirty months

 week's  days in order to change your life

are you are you not when he won't give up

you might love some TV show you may need to give that up you might love some

hobby property days

you don't get to have that hobby for  days

unique laser focus on your future the easy trade my opinion


need to negotiate with your family

yes it out with the family and say

mom is gonna be really really really busy for  days I need your help

dad is gonna be really busy busy for  days I need your help

are you okay with me working my butt off for  days in order for us as a family

to be able to have more freedom

more time or vacations more education more everything

is that a good trait and somebody out there might not have a supportive spouse

might have a spouse is really

I'm so tired of this killing me ok

in the way of our family all the time way if you have a certain

non supporters but you know why they're tired of watching you crawl

they're tired if you want operating a ten-percent your potential

they're tired have no money coming in in all this distraction you putting in the


and just decided that you're not going to quit tell your non supportive spouse

gimme  days and let me go hard and give me to all the support you could

possibly give me

and then let's evaluate after  days let's see how we do

K to gonna go she would you gotta ask the kids a kid

you know I'm gonna be home but I'm not really gonna be home

I'm gonna be so focused on this for  days

I need your help with we help me you know so

negotiate with your family in

eliminate all distractions

for  for  days eliminate all the distractions because all distractions


K all the distractions I don't care what it is

if it's not involved in in recruiting  are  people in  days

just eliminated get rid of it

for thirty days can you not go to the grocery store and somebody else do that

for thirty days can you not do the laundry and somebody else do that

for thirty days can you not

fix something in the house and have somebody else do that for  days if you

own your own business can you have somebody inside the business

step up and do some other things that you been doing

and take some the pressure of view for  days

can you totally focused and eliminate all the distractions

me next

something you been involved in a run for a while guess what's gonna be your

biggest distraction

your existing group the group that you have right now is going to do everything

they can to stop you from going bring in  people

I media if you have kids have you ever noticed

sometimes that when you pick up the phone to have a business conversation

everybody in the house starts yelling and screaming in going crazy

and then is using up the phone that they don't do it anymore

you're not as that same thing's gonna happen with when you have a little

existing group

and you start preparing for recruiting  people

they're gonna it's all I need your help I can you come help lead a meeting can

you do this to me do that

can you wanna do three way call with me can you do a meeting with me

he do call with me whatever you gotta tell your existing group lesson

for  days you're on your own for  days

you got all the support you need someplace else to  days I'm focused on

bringing in a new team

not that I don't love you in  years from now we'll plug everybody together

were awful go

but for these dirty days I need you let me run

for these thirty days your existing group


party or preparation is to make oppressed press list

oppressed mister prospects and I

gave you the download I

which is called the ultimate memory jogger -page workbook that you can

download and use to be able to

jog your memory to be able to make a fresh list of prospects to be able to

use in this campaign

okay that was my gift to you I hope you download it if not just think first list

and um and then last

sharpen your skills specifically inviting skills

sharpen your skills specifically the inviting skills

gave you have to go pro book there's inviting skills in there

are but if you shopping is known I don't want to take okay

wasn't I'm not very good in buying I need to wait a year

and I need to spend a year sharpening my skills and then I'll do mine and

my -day pushing recruit  people

most to the learning is going to be in the doing you can do you could take a


one day just practice and sharpen your skills one day with a friend

you can role play back and forth until you're comfortable one day

want eight-hour day in your in your your skills sharpened and now

to be able to get started and you're going to learn as you go because you'll

be making lots of phone calls

okay so that's preparation

at this open right as we go Canada

by more seconds for  


in order would to

from people

next thing I wanna tell you before we break up the -day period time

Rick is sponsoring  people in  days

here's the math if you want to sponsor  people in  days it's really about


if you think about I've talked to people in under different companies

but if you think about how many


joined per presentation

okay so how soap are giving examples if you did ten presentations and showed

ten different people your opportunity what percentage are those people are

gonna join

and typically it's about

to about two outta 

you do a presentation to attend gonna join typically

tank I know if it's a little more than that because you're

companies really hot fantastic if it's a little less than that

because maybe we need for whatever reason than  factor that in

but typically I would say .

 somewhere in that range but will average to

so this question number one how many people you know it's going to be what


are going to join next question

is how many presentations to do you need to do

in order to sponsor

 people in  days holy presence is needed

well that now hold up

assuming about  

you do  presentations in order to

sponsor  people

third questions how many points

do you need to make in order to do  presentations because

some people watch or for whatever reason I would say about how

let's call   no shows up to 

day averaging now K

 how many calls do you need to make

in order to set up  presentations

double that maybe  what's it's about since its union


was you must need to look like so you have enough people to make phone calls



here's what I will tell you remember I said success love speed success love


if if you do that if you are weaker  people

these numbers are about right if you did it over the course of twenty months

if you do this over  months that's a this is about what you have to go


in order to be able to bring in  people but if you do it in  days

these numbers are much less because success low-speed

I'll your percentage

will probably be in the thirty to forty percent range

because your energy your enthusiasm your excitement

your urgency is going to be built in and you're gonna be shot can we do a bang

bang bang bang bang bang bang

it's not your you're not going to come in rusty

you're going to get good fast which means you can happen make

what the sixty  presentation somewhere in that range

sixty to seventy nine hundred which means you're gonna have to set up about

d appointments or so in order to get those  show up

which means you're gonna have to make about maybe  calls

that's real life about  to do in  days about this number

if you do it in  months it's about these numbers

which means  make put three -plus

on your list not to go so that's the math just met

if you know this number up can over a long period of time

understand you can increase that number by having urgency in doing a short

period time

but you success what speed if you do this quickly I promise you

having talked to so many people they didn't do as many presentations as you


in order to be able to bring in the people that they need to bring in K

so they understand the math then all you gotta do is say okay my willing

I want to bring in  people am i willing to make three or postpone calls

to set  appointments

to have as you need it to %uh have three hundred-plus people on my list to make

 plus phone calls to get ninety people to agree to

a presentation to do a presentation  a.m.

and get why people join I will do that yes or no if you want to do it then

you're good if you're not willing to do it and sorry

now's not your time you can keep taxiing down the runway you decide to take off


okay it's really a decision but what you missed them up then

okay now it's not mysterious now it's real

all right

hope you get the vision what's possible for you really do

I hope you're ready and excited and fired up

to do this

hope your adrenaline is pumping a little bit

um his hotel %um in your -day

recruit  campaign

generally here's how I would map it up

step  is your first  days

step  is your second ten days

step three is your third in this

the first  days you want to do as much inviting in presenting in contacting as


this is about contact in



K nose first in its we'll talk about that more just give me the

framework the second ten days not follow up

you still do some others but mostly if you've done your job right

you front-loaded us you can do you follow a process give people this


in it in the last  days is going to be about closing help people get started

so if you've front-loaded all your not the phone calls here

the turns in a follow-up then you can have enough raw materials are people who

think about it

to get involved by the time you done within  days sent

so that's generally the framework

first and second  to see cannot get it in your mind

what you need to do with each one of those things

we'll talk about the first 

me not to okay

the during this first 

 percent upper Harper send in your free time

if your poll time I'm gonna give you some shocking

suggestions okay this might freak you out

and I'm okay with that you came here for the truth I'm here to give you the truth

full-time the triple time in network marketing

my strongest suggestion to you you work about  hours a day

when I every time I did this I started ATMs II

ended at midnight I work hard hard hard hard hard cuz I wanted to change my life

if your part-time I would suggest

eight hours a day during the week in  hours a day on the weekends

I do suggest taken that you know one day a week for your family for

whatever your religious beliefs to reset your brain

whatever you decide to do in that seventh day

but on the weekend  in during the week

 tank um your drive time

you're making calls in talking to people

your break time at work you making calls inviting people

your lunchtime you eat fast get back on the phone during lunch are

never eaten never eat alone me with your prospects for lunch

during your you know away from the office

don't don't put this stuff into your job if you're working for somebody else it's

just tacky

up evenings of massive action that when most people can

have phone calls weekends make friends with the phone

the phone is your friend you just gonna be dialing dialing dialing

you're gonna be shocked with how fast your battery runs out on your phone

when you're makin  phone calls to your phone calls you know my gosh

you know have that charger with you all the times you love times you gonna be at

your pace like me

when I land upon pacing and pasting and pacing

sorry guys a pacing back and forth but

its it's a sad little thing when you do your YouTube you plug in your iPhone

thing you pacing

next to the wall back and forth to try and keep your charge

but you'll find this is pretty wild a

make friends with the bone make sure that you got tools if you're using tools

to be ongoing business third-party tools

makes you got a man you ready to go you use in an you'll be dude one-on-one

presentations during these

first  days  presentations during his first  days

webinars to people online Skype calls

to be able to talk to people face to face online

conference calls blitz days

how to work with his own sake

live events are usually appear whatever it takes

whatever it takes

because you got up load up

all in a separate in the first  days right so saw club let states for second

here's a blitz days are

you might have a few people that you like to work with I love let states did

you get so much done

for your recruit  campaign in a blitz thank you want to set up presentations

you can set up almost all the present is that you need in one what's that

 hour but the get together with everybody

that that wants to do this with you at all you do

is sit in a room have up flip chart a white border whatever in the room

and start making him invitation called in British

calls and every time you get up up appointment set up

you wrote down hello contest with everybody else

past the phone for three recalled whatever you need to do right downright

downright downright downright down

in eight hours you'll be shocked how many people you can talk to

especially when yet little positive peer pressure other people in the room with


K so let states get together you might get together for three hours in the

evening and set up the tell your calendar for an entire

two weeks in eight hours you can certainly fill up your counter

okay so we need something we can

honchos Camino some or do they get a little

one the strip gotta

good call alright so but stays right

get together with the people just burn the phone up

have woke up it is with each other but on the phone up so working now

get good trying to spin it okay so that's a first

 days got it here's the translation

bust your butt as hard as you can

for ten days straight to do as many contacts

as many invites as many presentations you could possibly do

in those  days got it now

second and its

got all this excitement

timurian yet I all this excitement all these appointments all this enthusiasm

going on

for your first  days here's what you do in your second ten days

the focus you still gonna be doing some inviting presenting all that stuff

but your boat your main focus starts to shift into follow-up

if you don the first  days right you should have

you should be so busy following up with those people that had one explosion the

first  days

that you've hardly have time for anything else lots a three-way phone


lots of other exposures

up maybe somebody got

you took a look after you want to try the product they look to the product

they want to go with the opportunity

wanted to talk to somebody wanted to come to a meeting whatever you gonna go

to your questions and objections

help those people understand what it is that we do

questions and objections are natural

in GoPro you learn how to answer questions objections

I'm just hope the help these people see what we have

in the second is how we don't talk well

okay my gosh it go

as a second  days then a third

is primarily again you still going to do a presentation you still gonna be doing

follow-up but your primary focus starts to shift

to closing helping people make a decision

for themselves helping people decided this is right for them that's what

that's what you gonna be doing

primary following up on me anything else I can do on a scale one to  where are


right asking sums questions questions and stories are going to be your best


during that period time so

stories in questions are key to helping a person make a decision

so your mind might be spending a little bit here

with all the stuff that I've been sharing you know the structure of the

reasons behind it

I i think I've given you kinda why it works

you're just cuz that's what works in network marketing getting off the ground

being the rabbit and then the turtle getting an altitude in trouble back

I I showed you the  numbers in

said why what it will mean for you

the biggest thing I hope that you did as you wrote down what would this do for my

career my life my confidence my

self-esteem I income my freedom my

reputation my legacy my purpose wanna do

and then how to do it right deciding you're gonna do it

preparing to do it understanding the math behind it

and then first end a second  days thirteen days

let me give you a little encouragement and then I've gotta I

I've got a couple really cool things that I want to share them super pumped

about it hope you didn't value and I'm

just know if you're watching this I

at went well it's Luke airing live here bit between  a.m. and whatever 

a.m. Central Time on now Saturday th

we're gonna go and and I'll allow this

to people to access this replay a best for  hours

so if you have people in your downline that have not been able to

are not on this for some reason you can have them go to network marketing pro

doc com forward slash recruit

they can register immediately and then immediately start to watch

there might be a little bit of a lag after that the first play that the

the the live here for them to kind of get it into the system

so people can watch the replay but pretty soon for  hours people be able

to watch

cake I hope you you this has been valuable enough for you that you want to

share with people

because it's going to really help now

that's a couple closing kinda comments not closing comments but

have a comments in this part before I give you that couple cool things that

that I have to talk about today it's really fun um

want to do more the things make a decision to decide

because you know what you can do this

this is within your reach you might not think your sales person may not think

you know are not this is right for me I i've never had success before you might

have been beaten down by like may be beaten down by experts in our parking so

far but guess what

you can do this this is possible for you

is going to the side that you're going to do it and then make it happen it's

simple math

in a simple decision pick your dates remember what this is worth

 days a pain for a lifetime a freedom

may have to do this a few times in your career if you wanna get to seven figures

but you wanna make six figures a year that for most people that's

a good situation right making a thousand-year wanna make out w do this

one time

and then just have some consistency after that and

I can't tell you how many six-figure your earners this was the

focus of their ability to earn six figures a year

the other the hotel he is imagine this done

a match in that it's done a match in that you went through your thirty days

and you did it you now have twenty people

looking to you how do you look

in your company how does it feel to accomplish what you accomplished

how much did you earn what your future earning potential

what happened to your rank what happened to your reputation will help your


what happened honey how your kids look at you

somebody that follow through and did what they said they were gonna do

how your family looks at you how great is that gonna feel

to actually go do it are you gone through all this information

and I want to give you a couple tools that I think will

radically accelerate your results in recruiting  people I am so

that some but i wanna hope you got value hope you're ready did

only radically change a light and help other people do the same thing

is down my wish for you is that you decide to become a network market

professional you decide to go pro

because it is a stone cold fact that we have a better way

now total the world everybody have a great day

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